3 Tips For Being an Effective Writer

If you really want to be a writer, you will take this advice to heart. ❤

A Writer's Path

by R.J.Harrigan

Being a writer is one of the hardest but most rewarding passions to pursue. Unless you’re thinking monetary rewards in which case, be a doctor or something. I kid…not really.

How to be a writer is another challenge. Here are 3 simple tips to follow so you can call yourself a writer too!

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R.L. Stine’s 10 Tips For Curing Writer’s Block from Writers Write

Writers Write
R.L. Stine’s 10 Tips For Curing Writer's Block

In this post, we share American novelist, R.L. Stine’s 10 tips for curing writer’s block.

R. L. Stine is an American writer, who is sometimes called the Stephen Kingof children’s literature. He was born 8 October 1943.https://52304387b9aebc7ebb419d36f1cefdb9.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html

He’s been scaring people all around the world for a long time. He has sold over 400-million books and his books have been translated into 35 languages, making him one of the best-selling authors in history.

His hundreds of horror fiction novels include the Goosebumps series, which began with Welcome to Dead House. His latest book is Garbage Pail Kids: Welcome to Smellville.

Stine has created a writing programme for aspiring authors, which includes the following:

  1. How to get ideas.
  2. How to develop your ideas.
  3. How to get started writing.
  4. How to never have writers block.

He says: “I’ve enclosed all of my best writing tricks and secrets in this program. It is totally free of charge. You may download it and make as many copies you like. I hope it leads to many fun writing projects!”

We found these tips for curing writer’s block (in the programme) on R.L. Stine’s website and wanted to share them with you. Read more here.

He says: ‘I never get writer’s block. Mainly because I do so much work before I start to write.’

R.L. Stine’s 10 Tips For Curing Writer’s Block

  1. “Don’t ever stare at a blank page or screen! Start with notes, journal entries, outlines, cheat sheets, What ifs. Write something down before you begin.
  2. Know your ending first. If you know where you’re going to end up, you’ll know where to start.
  3. You don’t have to write the beginning first! You can write your first draft in any order. Then you can go back and put it in the right order.
  4. Don’t worry about how the first draft sounds. Just put words down—you can always go back.
  5. Before you write, tell your story out loud. Once you’ve told your story, you’ll have a lot less trouble “telling” it to the paper.
  6. Set a timer for a short amount of time—let’s say 13 minutes. Tell yourself you’re going to write something—anything—until that timer goes off. When the timer dings—if the writing is going well—set it for another 13 minutes and keep writing. If it’s not going well, set the timer and do something else for 13 minutes. Then go back to your writing.
  7. If you’re still stuck, don’t throw away the idea—try changing it a little. Try writing it from another character’s point of view. Try telling the story in another character’s voice.
  8. Still stuck? Look through a magazine, find a picture of a person or place that looks like your character or setting. Write down a complete and detailed description of what you see. Guess what? You started your story.
  9. Set a reasonable goal and reward yourself if you get there. Say “I will write two pages today, then I can watch TV for half an hour.”
  10. Don’t ever stare at a blank page! Start with notes, journal entries, outlines, cheat sheets, What ifs. Write something down before you begin. (I know. This is the same as number one! I’m repeating it because it’s the most important tip.)”

Source for tips: R. L. Stine / Source for image: rlstine.comhttps://52304387b9aebc7ebb419d36f1cefdb9.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html

 by Amanda Patterson

If you enjoyed this, you will love:

  1. Simon Scarrow’s 6 Tips For Aspiring Writers
  2. 10 Bits Of Writing Advice From Stephen King
  3. George R. R. Martin’s Writing Advice
  4. Marian Keyes’ 3 Tips For New Writers
  5. Jennifer Egan’s Advice For Young Writers
  6. Peter James’ 7 Top Writing Tips
  7. James Rollins’ 3 Tips For Writers
  8. Chris Bohjalian’s 10 Tips To Help Aspiring Writers
  9. David Baldacci’s 5 Top Writing Tips
  10. Writing Advice From The World’s Most Famous Authors

“Crimes & Impunity in New Orleans” follows the dramatic story of naive, sheltered Shelly going to “The Big Easy” to prepare for El Salvador, but has no idea she will encounter sexism and witness racism as well as illegal activities by government agents.

Author, Sherrie Miranda’s husband made the trailer for “Crimes & Impunity in New Orleans.” He wrote the music too. https://youtu.be/7_NL-V9KEi4

My radio interview:https://cloudcast.us/drew-schlosbergs-spotlight-on-the-community/author-provides-insight-into-1980s-new-orleans/

Review: Shelly’s journey in “the city that care forgot.”Sherrie Miranda’s new novel “Crimes and Impunity in New Orleans” puts the reader into a whirlwind of political protests, abusive police, sexist attitudes towards women, and “good old boys” racism in 1980’s New Orleans. Miranda’s second novel follows Shelly, the young northerner, as she quickly finds out that she “isn’t in Kansas anymore” while encountering a slew of picturesque, colorful characters. Reading her book makes you wonder if justice and respect for blacks, immigrants, and women can be reality in America.

This Nonfiction Book Helped Me Write Scenes from My Novel! Sadly, this BS is still happening …

Critiquing Another Author Takes Time & Empathy But is often worth the effort!

Michael wrote back & said he was not offended & explained some of his reasons behind his choices. A critique can help the critiqued, but can also help the writer of the critique & anyone else who reads it.                                                                                                          Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador: http://tinyurl.com/klxbt4y         Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P11Ch5chkAc

Michael,                                                                                                                                                               The idea for this story is fascinating, but you have a style of storytelling that may put most agents and publishers off.
I must be honest & say I have never read anything like this. I was very confused about the time and place. First I thought it was the 1800s, then early 1900s, then I saw Pope Francis mentioned and realized it was the present day.                                                                                                          
The language reminded me of Science Fiction which I personally am not a fan of (though my husband loves it).                                                                                                                                            Are you fluent in another language? Because there were things that I have never seen done before in writing. You often leave out “the,” “her,” “to” and “a.” Is this a stylistic choice?           Have you had any study in the “Tell vs. Show” that is so commonly taught in today’s literature/writing courses? “Indescribably excited” would be much better shown than told. For example, you might SHOW them jumping up & down, as well as other physical ways to show how the girls feel.                                                                                                                                              I was confused by the phrase “physically divided age group.” “Peer group” is a much more common phrase used in modern day English.                                                                                            I also found the phrase “following application of own embrace.” Did you simply mean “Hugged”? The simpler the language, the better IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A PUBLISHER. The women from the literature discussed were totally unknown to me. But I must be honest: despite my 62 years, I am a totally contemporary woman.                                                                       I seriously suggest finding a critique group. If you can’t find one near you, find one online. As writers, we need feedback from several people. Then we can consider what they say and decide if we will heed any of their advice. Or decide “screw them,” I’m going to continue doing this my way.                                                                                                                                                                    How many drafts have you written? Joyce Carol Oates, the most prolific contemporary American writer, says she writes seven drafts. Something to consider.                                                 I wish I could be of more help to you, but I read and write in a very straightforward and modern style. I don’t think I can do you justice critiquing your work.

P.S. I hope I have not upset you or made you feel defeated. That is not my intention, but I felt
anything other than honesty would be a disservice to you.

Thanks Parajunkee.com for this Book Review Checklist! Now can we, Authors, get some reviews? Pretty please?

Book Review InfographicLearn the story behind: Publish “Crimes and Impunity in New Orleans.” and help us meet our goal. @indiegogo
Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” will be out en Español very soon! It is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P11Ch5chkAc 😉

The Happiness Tag

The Happiness Tag..
There are three simple rules and here they are.
5 Things that make you happy.
5 Songs that make you happy.
5 Bloggers that make you happy. Let them know you nominate them and you are done.

Here goes. This is off the top of my head, so I will probably end up coming back & adding something important that I remember.
5 Things that Make Me Happy:
1) My husband. Always no. 1. Don’t have to think about that. Except he might not like being called a “thing.” 😉 ❤
2) My book being published & available to the word. Of course, I still need to get it translated into Spanish, but I will … sometime soon … I hope …
Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
3) The video my piano-playing husband made for my book.
Angelo made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P11Ch5chkAc 😉

4) My home. I love my historical home in old CV, but I also love the fact that for the first time in my life, I am part of a “real” community. I know my neighbors, other historical home owners & many of the young people. I had a community when I lived in New Orleans, but we were separate from the powers that be: we were the outcasts: the change makers, feminists & anti-war & protesters. We also protested the police violence there.
So far, here in CV, I haven’t protested anyone publicly! 😉 ❤
5) Last, but not least, is my dad. This man was there for me in good times & bad. He warmed my hands in winter & took me (& all the family) on picnics in summer. My dad believed in me when no one else did & I will always be grateful for that! He celebrated his 86th birthday this past April! 😉 ❤
6) I am adding my mom here. If you look at no. 5 below, you will see why. I love you, Mom, & I remember you everyday! ❤ ❤ ❤
5 Songs that Make Me Happy
1) Imagine, by John Lennon
2) All Simon & Garfunkel songs, esp. Sounds of Silence.
3) All of the rest of Paul Simon’s songs, including “Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes.”
4) All the Beatles’ songs – Here’s one list of the top 50 Beatles’ songs: https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/08/50-best-beatles-songs.html?a=1
“Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” is a favorite of mine, but the only video I could find that really was the Beatles is blocked in the US, but if you’re not in the US, it’s No. 18 on the list above.
5) “Where Have All the Flowers Gone” – an anti-war song that my mother introduced to me when I was just a kid. I am only now realizing how much my mother influenced me, how much I learned about injustice, about compassion & love from my mother.
5 Bloggers that make me happy:
1) Art by Rob Goldstein – Rob is an amazing artist & I also feel that socially & politically, we are kindred spirits, both wanting more love & justice in the world. I just found this gorgeous art of his & a beautiful poem. This link will take you to any blogpost:
A Quick Note to God
He’s also like me in that he reblogs a lot of other people’s posts. 😉 ❤
2) I don’t get over to Kendall F. Person’s blog enough (I need to make sure I am still following him), but here is a beautiful post about an event starting on Monday:
3) Chris, the Story Reading Ape is one of my all-time favorite blogs. Chris supports authors & posts helpful writing advice. Here’s one: https://thestoryreadingapeblog.com/2016/06/23/classification-of-book-lovers-infographic/
4) Here’s a poem dedicated to Elfkat, whose blog, Adventures and Musings of an Archduidess can keep you so busy, you might have to be reminded you have a live to live:
5) DRay has so much to share on his blog Dream Big & Dream Often that I should get over there more OFTEN!
6 Mindsets People Have That Will Always Lead to Underachieving
Tag, you’re it!
Peace, love & happiness for all,

Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too. You can go to the Home page of her blog to watch it:
Or you can see it on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P11Ch5chkAc 😉

No Place for Self-Pity, No Room for Fear: Toni Morrison on the Artist’s Task in Troubled Times ~ From Brain Pickings

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Brain Pickings remains free (and ad-free) and takes me hundreds of hours a month to research and write, and thousands of dollars to sustain.

If you find any joy and value in what I do, please consider becoming a Member and supporting with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good dinner:

No Place for Self-Pity, No Room for Fear: Toni Morrison on the Artist’s Task in Troubled Times
“Like failure, chaos contains information that can lead to knowledge — even wisdom.”

“Only an artist can tell … what it is like for anyone who gets to this planet to survive it,” James Baldwin asserted in contemplating how the artist’s struggle illuminates the common human struggle. “War and chaos have plagued the world for quite a long time,” wrote a forgotten defender of E.E. Cummings and the artist’s duty to challenge the status quo, “but each epoch creates its own special pulse-beat for the artists to interpret.” Often, the pulse-beats of chaos that feel most unsurvivable are those which artists must most urgently interpret in order for us to indeed survive.

That task of the artist as a grounding and elevating force in turbulent times is what Toni Morrison (b. February 18, 1931) explores in a stunning essay titled “No Place for Self-Pity, No Room for Fear,” included in the 150th anniversary issue of The Nation.

Morrison writes:

Christmas, the day after, in 2004, following the presidential re-election of George W. Bush.

I am staring out of the window in an extremely dark mood, feeling helpless. Then a friend, a fellow artist, calls to wish me happy holidays. He asks, “How are you?” And instead of “Oh, fine — and you?”, I blurt out the truth: “Not well. Not only am I depressed, I can’t seem to work, to write; it’s as though I am paralyzed, unable to write anything more in the novel I’ve begun. I’ve never felt this way before, but the election….” I am about to explain with further detail when he interrupts, shouting: “No! No, no, no! This is precisely the time when artists go to work — not when everything is fine, but in times of dread. That’s our job!”

I felt foolish the rest of the morning, especially when I recalled the artists who had done their work in gulags, prison cells, hospital beds; who did their work while hounded, exiled, reviled, pilloried. And those who were executed.

With an eye to the various brokennesses of the world, past and present, Morrison writes:

This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.

I know the world is bruised and bleeding, and though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence. Like failure, chaos contains information that can lead to knowledge — even wisdom. Like art.

Complement with Morrison on how to be your own story and George Saunders on the artist’s task, then revisit JFK’s spectacular speech on the artist’s role in society.

Thank you, Maria Popova, for this timely and helpful reminder that we must never quit, never give up & never give in!

Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador: http://tinyurl.com/klxbt4y
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too. You can go to the Home page of her blog to watch it:
Or you can see it on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P11Ch5chkAc 😉 ❤ 😉

Pablo Picasso, “Inspiration Exists”

Not sure if I posted this before but it is definitely a great reminder. 😉 😘  There’s also a quote that says something like “We are all born artists, but our creativity is taught OUT of us.” Something like that. Did you ever see children’s art? So true!  😉  ❤
Sherrie                                                                                                                                                          Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador: http://tinyurl.com/klxbt4y
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P11Ch5chkAc 😉 ❤ 😉

A Writer And His Thoughts, Meaning In Life

Inspiration exists but it has to find you working

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Women, Read This Book Before You Get Married; Men, Read This Book to Help You Understand Women

I signed up for the CourageWorks course & this book was recommended reading. I read it in 3 nights! 31845516.jpg
Although I have little in common with the author in terms of details (she’s still with her 1st husband; I am on my 3rd), there were experiences she went through that are universal among women. And sad to say, but they are becoming common among men now too.
The willingness to keep examining her life and keep working on herself and her marriage was something I found remarkable. I never had kids, but Glennon had three with her husband and she did not want her kids to see her give up on their father (they loved him very much).
One big difference between Melton and other women is that her husband came TO HER. He wanted to work on the marriage. Many men don’t. And I think his love & willingness to NOT give up on her helped save their marriage just as much as HER willingness did.
In most cases, I believe that people can change with someone new, but they seldom change with the same person. Partners get into a dance; they are used to reacting a certain way, so it is very hard to save a marriage where there is betrayal and patterns that need to change.
I admire Glennon for being willing to do it. But I also admire her husband and children for being willing to make their marriage and family work.
Thank you, Glennon, for helping so many women, by telling your story.                               Peace, love & happiness to all,                                                                                                             Sherrie                                                                                                                                                          Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too. You can go to her Home page to watch it:
Or you can see it on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P11Ch5chkAc 😉 ❤



The Most Momentous Don Draper Quotes – Mad Men is gone, but Don Draper is still alive! Bring him back!

Don Draper was the ultimate salesman! He got people to buy his upper class background when those of us who watched the show from beginning to end knew that it was all a lie. Don (whose real name I have forgotten) was the son of a prostitute. But he was smart, handsome & had charisma, so, of course he made it it the world of Advertising.

Similar to Don’t 1st quote is one by my RIT Art professor. He said “What people are buying is beauty and happiness,” then he jumped up on a desk in the Art class “But neither happiness OR beauty can be bought … so these people will continue buying for the rest of their lives to try & get what can’t be bought!”

I totally can see Don Draper becoming an Art professor & telling his students this. And if he invents a way for cats to use the toilet, then I will know HE WAS MY PROFESSOR ALL ALONG!  😉  ❤  😉  ❤  😉  ❤


Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too. You can go to her Home page to watch it:
https://sherriemiranda1.wordpress.com Or go to YouTube & type in the title of her novel! 😉 ❤