Creative Courage for Young Hearts: 15 Emboldening Picture Books Celebrating the Lives of Great Artists, Writers, and Scientists

I don’t usually post links but there is so much cool stuff here, I had to share it! It’s about Children’s books & the art in them. I have never seen so much beautiful art in one place! And yes, I have been to many, many museums in my lifetime! ENJOY!

Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:
San Diego Book Review gave “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” 5*s:
An article about Sherrie Miranda and her debut novel:
An article about the writer’s group Sherrie Miranda started:         Here’s a great interview by Fabricio Correa:
Meet Author Sherri Miranda
An interview by Fiona McVie on her Authors Interviews WordPress blog:
The San Diego Public Library’s 50th Annual Local Authors Exhibit featured Sherrie’s novel:
GoodReads Author page:

Honoring the soldier & the vet … British Television Show: “Call the Midwife”

I just watched the 3rd episode of the British show “Call the Midwife.” The show takes place in 1950’s London. I was quite surprised to see how well the Brits treated their elderly veterans. The story is from a memoir of a midwife who stayed with the nuns and (mostly) helped babies be born (at home, most of the time!). The protagonist, a very young & naive midwife, just loves the gentle man whose legs she had to wrap a few times a week. He fought in the wars (WWI & II, I assume); his family is all gone. They died during the blitzes. (Perhaps that is the major difference: we haven’t had a war on our land since the civil war.) And when she sees his invitation to a luncheon honoring the soldiers, she decides he must go & she will take him. It brought tears to my eyes, seeing the respect & honor the old man is shown. mezzanine_349.jpg.resize.800x450.jpg

Having worked at St. Vincent de Paul Medical Clinic (for the homeless), I can tell you, these men, these vets, OUR vets, do not get that kind of treatment here. They are homeless, or they are living sadly in homes for the aged. (My apologies to Gov. Brown, who had some beautiful homes built in recent years) They don’t get invited to fancy luncheons where the young soldiers are dressed in their dress blues; they aren’t saluted. They are usually just regarded as crazy old (or more often, sadly, young) men. And now, women get to be treated like that too. One female vet has been on the streets with her child here in San Diego for years. 18160942_1665759890398247_587022536445788160_n.jpg

There are other beautiful stories here, like the husband, whose wife bares a black baby & the father falls in love with the boy on sight. Imagine that in 1950’s America!

Anyway, I just had to post about this as I was in tears throughout the show. These midwives & nuns were not the typical stereotype that many have; they were kind & generous people working with their hearts on their sleeves. If you ever get a chance to watch an episode, do watch. You might be surprised!  😉 ❤

Peace, love & respect for all, esp. our soldiers,                                                                           Sherrie                                                                                                                                             Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too. You can go to the Home page of her blog to watch it:
Or you can see it on YouTube: 😉

Meet Author Sherri Miranda – An Interview

School Board Resolution Affirming Peace, Tolerance & Respect for All

I hope that districts across the country & even the world are doing the same! Wishing you all the peace, tolerance & respect that we ALL deserve …  😉  ❤

From the Office of the Superintendent:

On Monday, Dec 12th, the Sweetwater Union High School District Board of Trustees passed a resolution reaffirming the values of peace, tolerance and respect for multiple perspectives. Read the resolution. Attached is a flyer regarding an event San Diego Unified is hosting this evening, Wednesday, December 14, 2016 – 4:00pm to 6:00pm. The event is to support the rights of all students, regardless of race, color, national origin, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or religion to be educated in an environment free from fear, violence and intimidation.

Thank you.

Cecilia De La Riva
Sweetwater Union High School District
Grants and Communications
Senior Administrative Assistant

Posted by Sherrie Miranda                                                                                                                Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:,204,203,200_.jpg