You May Say I’m A Dreamer

I am a die hard Peacemaker & I will make no apologies for it!
Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:


1apeace22All that peace and love stuff, it’s just idealistic mumbo jumbo, right?

Or is it?

While I admit I don’t understand a lot of stuff, but as long as it’s not really hurting anyone, why would I care?

Too often, the commonly held view seems to be that if we don’t agree, we’re at odds.

Like somehow 7 billion of us are suddenly going to start agreeing, or we have to battle it out Star Trek style.


For example, I find the rise of pumpkin spice alarming – apparently pumpkin spice is a season now, so the pumpkin spice must flow.


Here’s a completely incomplete list of stuff people do that I don’t ‘get’, or want to (no particular order):

1. Touching wet paint or wet cement – yes, it’s wet, move on.
2. Running water after going to the bathroom instead of actually washing your hands.
3. Lying, lying…

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Author: Sherrie Miranda

I am an author who writes in order to create more peace and understanding in the world. I am a teacher who has taught students from many countries of the world. I now teach Heart2Heart Writing workshops. I love to travel and first traveled to other countries before finally deciding to see some of the U.S., places that foreigners I met have been to, but that I hadn't. I am happily married to a retired teacher who is now a full-time musician. We hope to someday travel together to places where I read my novel(s) and speak to people about loving life while Angelo plays his piano and entertains the audience. I am assisting seniors and troubled adults to write their life stories in order to heal. Life has much to offer so I always encourage young people to hang in there and know that things WILL get better.

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