Dancing In The Dark

Well I kinda cheat. I mostly find other blogger’s post that I Love & reblog it! 😉 ❤
Peace, love & happy blogging,
Sounds like me, sad to say … I am in the process of hiring a coach. That should help. Also must decide which crowd funding I will use. I think it's between Indiegogo & Pubslush. Any thoughts on those?
Peace, love & getting my groove back,
Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too. You can go to the Home page of her blog to watch it:
Or you can see it on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P11Ch5chkAc 😉


https://yadadarcyyada.com/2017/04/21/dancing-in-the-dark/“Making your way
in the world today
takes everything you’ve got.
Taking a break from
all your worries,
sure would help a lot.
Wouldn’t you like
to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody
knows your name,
and they’re always
glad you came.
You wanna be
where you can see,
our troubles are all the same….
You wanna go where everybody knows your name.” (Cheers)

Yup, that’s blogging in a nutshell – bloggers from around the world gathering at a local establishment to share our joys, sorrows, fears, woes, hopes, wisdom, jokes, dreams, and hopes.
And I get it, blogging isn’t curing cancer.
Blogging won’t solve devastating problems: world hunger, disease, poverty, climate change, drought, unemployment/underemployment, etc.
Blogging probably won’t overcome the horrors of: war, terrorism, racism, prejudice, sexism, crime…

https://yadadarcyyada.com/2017/04/21/dancing-in-the-dark/It’s still not ok for WordPress to use bloggers as lab rats (it’s also not ok to use…

View original post 459 more words

Author: Sherrie Miranda

I am an author who writes in order to create more peace and understanding in the world. I am a teacher who has taught students from many countries of the world. I now teach Heart2Heart Writing workshops. I love to travel and first traveled to other countries before finally deciding to see some of the U.S., places that foreigners I met have been to, but that I hadn't. I am happily married to a retired teacher who is now a full-time musician. We hope to someday travel together to places where I read my novel(s) and speak to people about loving life while Angelo plays his piano and entertains the audience. I am assisting seniors and troubled adults to write their life stories in order to heal. Life has much to offer so I always encourage young people to hang in there and know that things WILL get better.

One thought on “Dancing In The Dark”

  1. Sherrie, thank you kindly for the reblog, thank goodness I found it in my spam folder (been looking a lot lately, another trick WordPress has been pulling on us).
    I enjoyed the video and shared it and your book shows very intriguing, I hope I get to read it someday.
    Thank you again for sharing the #bloglove and hope you’re having a lovely week so far. 🙂 xo


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